U Tuber Explores Stalin’s Mass Murders …

Posted on June 21, 2019. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Russian YouTuber Explores the Horrors of Stalin's Gulags

“I don’t know about you, but all my life, I’ve been hearing my parents say: ‘Be careful, don’t attract unnecessary attention, it’s dangerous. And, besides, we’re simple people – we don’t decide anything.’ My parents are wonderful people,” says Yury Dud in his film Kolyma: The Home of Our Fear. 

“But I wanted to understand: Where does the older generation’s fear come from? Why are they convinced that acts of courage, no matter how small, are bound to be punished?”

Those questions are the starting point of the Moscow YouTuber’s two-and-a-half-hour movie, in which he investigates the Russians’ “primal fear” of authority – and how it has led to political fatalism and social passivity in the country.

Dud sees the roots of this fear in the terror of Stalinism, that darkest yet still largely unresolved chapter of 20th-century Russian history. More than 16 million innocent people were forced to work in inhumane conditions in work camps where they were deprived of their freedom and their health.

It is estimated that at least two million were killed as political prisoners or for simply belonging to ethnic minorities. However, such figures remain incomplete and unreliable as many secret archives are still closed to research today.


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